A Motley Crew Introductory Training Videos

Dr. Sam Warren

far more consulting began with a deep passion for the local church

Starting with WHY!

Perhaps the first thing a ministry should decide is WHY you exist.  I have asked this question to many pastors, church leadership teams and even laity and found that there is little clarity on WHY they do what they do.  They know the WHAT (hold their particular services, etc.) but not WHY they do it.  They know the HOW.  They can tell you that they carry out the WHAT in this way or that way, but not WHY they do it.   Anwering the WHY question is so important for the church to answer in a biblical way as it gives shape and direction to all other things that the church does in their ministry.

Preaching as "Strategic Equipping!"

Preaching is much more than entertainmet for what we do to fill a time slot in a service.  It is very important for the people of the church to "like" the pastor's preaching.  The real question is this, "does the preaching of the Word equip the saits for the carrying out God's mandate of making disciples?"  The New Testament uses a word to described the effect of God's Word for the believer.  Like the fishermen who "mended" their nets, the preacher of the Word uses the Word of God to "mend" the lives of those who hear it so they can be complete and able to carry out every good work for the kingdom of God.

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The "Timothy Factor."

Have you every wondered why Paul the apostle asked Timothy to join him in ministry (Acts 16) and later sent him to Ephesus to lead the church into biblical health by passing on the foundational truths of the gospel to a group of godly men?   I call the answer to this question, the Timothy Factor: five reasons Timothy was worthy of this task.  In this video I share those five characteristics that were part of Timothy's character and how we too must have thes as apart of our lives if we are to do what Timothy did.

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The "Missing Piece."

Have you ever started a project and discovered once you neared the end of the work that you were missing an important or critical piece that you needed to complete the work?  This would be unfortunate for anything you are trying to do but imagine if this was true for the church.  What if the church did everything they thought they needed to do to be a healthy church but missed the most important piece which was absolutely necessary for the church that wanted to be biblically healthy.  This video give insight into the nature of the "Missing Piece" and how to fix it.

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The "Bare Necessities."

Ministry can be very demanding on those who seek to lead the church.  Quite often leaders of the church can confuse activity with success when it comes to being a healthy church, however, business can shield us from seeing what's really important and necessary.  In this video, Dr. Warren shares a simple plan for changing this in the life of the church that wants to be biblically healthy in terms of making disciples.

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A Recipe for "Success!"

In this video, Dr. Sam Warren shares his thoughts on exactly how a pastor and/or church can realign themselves with the biblical mandate of making disciples who make disciples.  The Bible is clear on this mandate and it is important for the Church and all believers to understand how important this is as well as how they can personally be involved in its fulfillment.

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